Back to Square One

It’s been tough today. It’s my first proper day of study since the end of July. Following a summer break, work commitments in September and the start of this month have pushed back at the UoD. The fight back started today. It’s tough, of course, when I am ten weeks out of the habit of study, and lack the sense of direction. However, all is not lost.

A glimmer of a new idea for a project sparked into existence today. one that gives me a framework for learning, but without being prescriptive about what I learn. it’s very early days but I like what I have so far. While that has been germinating, I have undertaken some other parts of study to warm up the brain: a little bit of Git from treehouse, some basic HTML/CSS review as part of prep for my tech school, and embarking on a new MOOC with Udacity – an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. This last has not been a great experience so far, but I will let the hope of good content overcome my misgivings for non-existent production values from the professors who published it. Shocking!


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