It’s funny how whether you are a techy (geek/nerd/expert) is a matter of perspective between you, your audience, and those who know more than you along the particular subject at hand. To me, for example, a car is effectively a black box with a wheel on each corner. I have no interest is demystifying anything […]
Archive | Learning
Processing – creative toolbox
Processing is a Java based language geared towards creative (visual, video, audio) pursuits and which, to put it bluntly, aims to cut out some of the grunt work needed to code in other languages. It is a real language, and like Java, it is strongly typed, but it also allows a lot of short cuts. […]
Book, Look, Mooc, Cook
So far in my adventures back to technology through self-study, I have used a few different methods. When I started out, several people asked me where I was studying , or what course I was enrolled in. This showed that the traditional ideas of study and learning are still very well entrenched, and it also missed […]
Horses for Coursera’s
So today I started my first Coursera course, snappily entitled Developing Ideas for New Companies: The 1st step in Entrepreneurship. One month ago I had not even heard of Coursera, but I suppose that is the way of the web. My perceptions of time just need constantly re-adjusting. Coursera, in case you didn’t know, is a site where […]