Author Archive | cswmonkey

Nellie the Elephant

What started as an attempt to simulate a set of linked but independent visual objects, like chain links, has evolved into an elephants trunk that chases the mouse around the screen. There are many ways this can evolve but here are a few iterations of the “Trunk” as it stands. These are links to the […]

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Learning How to Learn

Since embarking on my learning journey, I have come up against apparent limits to my own ability to learn new concepts time and again. This is especially true of some of the more tricky and conceptual aspects of coding in a particular language, and the maths required for some of the AI and Machine learning studies, to the […]

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Let Learning Happen

This blog post is part of a graded assignment for the Coursera MOOC, Learning How to Learn. As an older student, or lifelong learner, or simply someone stepping out of your normal trade to learn a knew skill, hobby, language, you may feel your mind is not up to the task, or that frequently the […]

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